May your hearths keep you warm through the cold winter months.
Event Announcements
The finalized details on all WB events are on Meetup. Note that events may not be posted as of this newsletter as locations and times are being finalized by event organizers.
The next Planning Council Meeting for Apr-Jun events will be held on March 15, 2025.
In keeping with the spirit of growth and our purpose as a collective organization, we would like to hear from members who have skills they would like to share or events they would like to lead. If you feel called to do so, please visit the page on our website and fill out the form there.
Bone Walk
Sat, Feb 22 · 12:00 PM
Winchester Battlefield Park
Divination Class
Sat, Mar 1 · Time TBD
Twilight Walk
Sun, Mar 16 · 4:00 PM
Local DC metro area park
Ostara with Firefly House
Sat, Mar 22 · Time TBD
Lake Accotink Park
Spring Hike
Sun, Mar 30 · 10:00 AM
Bears Den, Springers Gap, VA
Seated Nature Meditation
Sun, Apr 6 · Time TBD
Location TBD
Four Seasons Spring Walk
Sun, Apr 16 · Time TBD
Wheaton Regional Park
Beltane Camping Weekend and Ritual Workshop
Fri May 2 - Sun May 4
Prince William Forest Park
Druid Practices Discussion Groups
4th Sunday of the month · 7:30 PM
Friends of WB
Frederick CUUPS Ostara Ritual
Sat Mar 22 · 7:00 PM
The Firefly House (
Stone Circle Council (
Virtual Bardic Circle
Nuinn - Amelia
A Nuinn
Déithe duit
O Ash Tree
Who lives in your branches?
little flitting moths
porcelain berries
Do any birds rest in your branches, O Ash?
Do mushrooms nestle in your bark?
Who puts the speckles on your leaves,
O Ash of lore?
Who carves runes into your bark?
Craggy bark, skin of the first man
who burned you,
carved you,
grasped you,
and learned from you
the Wisdom of the Nine Worlds
Meet a Steward
Caitlin (she/they) is new to druidry but has been a tree-hugging, music-making, star-gazing witch for many years. She has a deep connection to the woods and streams in her central Maryland hometown and can often be found hiking the local trails and rescuing tortoises from mountain bikers.
WB Online:
Contact Caitlin via Meetup or Discord if you have something you would like to share with the community and we will include it in the next newsletter.